
EMAIL: Xingzhi_Xu@mail.cnu.edu.cn 或 Xingzhi_Xu@163.com

(一) 受教育经历

1996.08-1999.08:博士生,University of South Carolina(美国)生物医学专业

(二) 研究工作经历
1994.10-1996.07:新加坡国立大学生物系研究助理 (导师: Dr. Ruowen Ge)
1996.08-1999.08: University of South Carolina研究助理(导师: Dr. Lucia Pirisi)
1999.08-1999.12: University of South Carolina博士后(导师: Dr. Lucia Pirisi)
2000.01-2004.06: Yale University医学院博士后(导师: Dr. David Stern)
2004.06-2007.07: CITY OF HOPE医学中心/BECKMAN研究所(美国加州)做BECKMAN FELLOW
2005.10-: 首都师范大学北京市特聘教授、博士生导师
2006.10-: 北京市第十批特聘教授

DNA Repair (SCI, IF 4.3)编委:2009-2015;
英国Cancer Research UK基金函评专家(2009年)。

1、与中国毒理学会、军事医学科学院共同主办第三届DNA修复与肿瘤干预国际大会(InternationalConference on Biomedical and Environmental Sciences & Technology: DNA Repair and Cancer Intervention (icBEST-2010)),2010年5月9-12日,北京,300人参会
2、主办第一届中德DNA修复与人类疾病研讨会(First Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair & Human Disease),2010年10月8-13日,北京,由中德科学中心(NSFC & DFG)全额资助,230余人参会
3、共同主办International Meeting (Jena-Beijing) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, 2010年11月25-26日,Jena,德国,50余人参会
4、主办International Meeting (Beijing-Jena) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, 2011年10月10-11日,北京,约100人参会
5、主办第二届中德DNA修复与人类疾病研讨会(Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair & Human Disease),2011年10月16-21日,德国Mainz,由中德科学中心(NSFC & DFG)全额资助,60余人参会
7、主办第三届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(isDDRHD), 2012年10月13-14日,DNA损伤应答北京市重点实验室,北京,约150人参会
8、共同主办International Meeting (Jena-Beijing) on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Response, 2013年2月28日-3月1日,Jena,德国,50余人参会
9、主办第四届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(isDDRHD), 2013年10月19-20日,DNA损伤应答北京市重点实验室,北京,约180人参会
10、 将共同主办第五届icBEST暨第五届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(isDDRHD), 2014年10月16-19日,DNA损伤应答北京市重点实验室,北京
11、将共同主办第16届Ataxia Telangiectasia Workshop (ATW) 暨第六届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(isDDRHD), 2015年10月11-14日,DNA损伤应答北京市重点实验室,北京

(五) 荣誉称号
4、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者; 时间:2007年1月至2009年12月

(六) 承担科研项目
1、已结束基金:Leslie H·Warner基金会博士后基金;时间:2000年9月至2001年8月;金额:30000美元;课题负责人(PI); 课题题目:DNA损伤诱导Chk2激活的机制。美国国防部乳腺癌博士后基金(DAMD17-01-1-0465);时间:2001年7月至2004年6月;金额150000美元;课题负责人(PI); 课题题目:DNA损伤诱导Chk2激活的机制。Arnold and Mabel Beckman基金; 时间:07/01/2004至 06/30/2007;金额360000美元;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:DNA损伤的检验点调控。  国家自然科学基金面上项目;时间:2006年1月至2008年12月;金额30万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:NFBD1在DNA损伤依赖型细胞周期检验点中的作用(30570371)国家自然科学基金重大研究计划项目;时间:2007年1月至2009年12月;金额45万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:NFBD1在纺锤体装配检验点中及宫颈癌发病机制中的作用(90608014)北京市属市管高校人才强教计划创新团队;时间:2007年1月至2009年12月;金额150万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:细胞周期与逆境应答教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者(NCET-06-0187); 时间:2007年1月至2009年12月;金额50万中加(NSFC-CIHR)健康研究合作项目; 时间:2008年1月至2010年12月;金额45万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:蛋白磷酸酶PP6在DNA损伤反应中的作用(30711120570)北京市教育委员会科技计划重点项目(KZ200810028014); 时间:2008年1月至2010年12月;金额50万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:参与细胞周期检验点控制的蛋白磷酸酶的功能鉴定国家自然科学基金中德科学中心(GZ603);时间:2010年;金额:14万元;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:中德DNA修复研讨会(2010年10月8-13日)国家自然科学基金中德科学中心(GZ715);时间:2011年;金额:6万欧元;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:中德DNA修复研讨会(2011年10月16-21日)国家自然科学基金会议项目;时间:2012年9-12月;金额4万元;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:第三届DNA损伤应答与人类疾病国际研讨会(31210303071)国家自然科学基金面上项目(31071190);时间:2011年1月至2013年12月;金额35万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:赖氨酸特异性去甲基化酶LSD1的功能鉴定北京市属市管高校人才强教深化计划;时间:2011年1月至2013年12月;金额300万;课题负责人(PI);课题题目:北京市属市管高校人才强教深化计划高层次人才(PHR20110508)DNA损伤应答与癌症


癌症的分子基础,许兴智、佟伟民、李静、杨跃、丛羽生等译,科学出版社(书号:ISBN9787030316073;2011年7月,112万字)肿瘤生物学导论,许兴智、朱卫国、詹启敏主编,科学出版社(2014年6月,合同已签)DNA Repair (SCI, IF: 4.3)专辑“DNA damage research in China”, Guest Editors: 许兴智、萧伟,2012年2月

(八) 论著目录(*: 通信作者)
Hongchang Zhao, Min Zhu, Gelin Dou, Hongli Zhao, Bingtao Zhu, Jing Li, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu*. BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in the DNA damage response. Submitted.Dongyun Liu, Xiaoli Deng, Chongzhen Yuan, Lin Chen, Yusheng Cong*, and Xingzhi Xu*. The Werner syndrome protein positively regulates XLF transcription. Molecular Medicine Reports, in pressBo Liu, Rixin Cong, Bin Peng, Bingtao Zhu, Gelin Dou, Haiyan Ai, Xiaodong Zhang, Zhenghe Wang, Xingzhi Xu*. 2014. CtIP is required for DNA damage-dependent induction of P21. Cell Cycle 13, 90-95.WooKee
Min, Christopher Bruhn, Paulius Grigaravicius, Zhong-Wei Zhou, Fu Li,
Anja Krüger, Bénazir Siddeek, Karl-Otto Greulich, Oliver Popp, Chris
Meisezahl, Cornelis F. Calkhoven, Alexander Bürkle, Xingzhi Xu, and Zhao-Qi Wang*. 2013. Poly(ADP-ribose) binding to Chk1 at stalled replication forks is required for S phase checkpoint. Nature Communications 4, 2993Jing Li*, Xiaoqian Liu, Ji Liao, Jie Tian, Jue Wang, Xin Wang, Jiezhong Zhang and Xingzhi Xu*. 2013. MYPT1 sustains centromeric cohesion and the spindle-assembly checkpoint. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 40(11), 575-578Li MM, Nilsen A, Shi Y, Fusser M, Ding YH, Fu Y, Liu B, Niu Y, Wu YS, Huang CM, Olofsson M, Jin KX, Lv Y, Xu XZ,
He C, Dong MQ, Rendtlew Danielsen JM, Klungland A, Yang YG. 2013.
ALKBH4-dependent demethylation of actin regulates actomyosin dynamics. Nature Communications 4, 1832.Sheng-Li
Cao*, Ying Han, Chong-Zhen Yuan, Yao Wang, Zhi-Kai Xiahou, Ji Liao,
Rui-Ting Gao, Bei-Bei Mao, Bao-Li Zhao, Zhong-Feng Li, Xingzhi Xu*.
2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative activity of
4-substituted-piperazine-1-carbodithioate derivatives of
2,4-diaminoquinazoline. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 64, 401-409.HH Lin, WY Wu, SL Cao*, J Liao, L Ma, M Gao, ZF Li, Xingzhi Xu*. 2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of piperazine-1-carbothiohydrazide derivatives of indolin-2-one. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 23, 3304-3307WY Wu, SL Cao*, BB Mao, J Liao, ZF Li, HB Song, Xingzhi Xu*. 2013. Synthesis and antiproliferative evaluation of hybrids of indolin-2-one and quinazoline-4(3H)-one linked via imine bond. Lett. Drug Des. Discov. 10, 61-66. Bingtao Zhu, Xiaoli Deng, Yifan Sun, Lin Bai, Zhikai Xiahou, Yusheng Cong, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2012. Nampt is involved in DNA double-strand repair. Chinese Journal of Cancer 31(8), 392-298.Jinping Liu, Linli Xu, Jianing Zhong, Ji Liao, Jing Li and Xingzhi Xu*. 2012. Protein phosphatase PP4 is involved in NHEJ-mediated repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 11(14), 2643-49 (Commentary on Cell Cycle 11(14), 2590 and 11(19), 3535) (times cited: 5)Jinping Liu(本研究室的博士生), Shukun Luo, Hongchang Zhao, Ji Liao, Jing Li, Chunying Yang, Bo Xu, David F. Stern, Xingzhi Xu* and Keqiong Ye*. 2012. Structural mechanism of the phosphorylation-dependent dimerization of MDC1 forkhead-associated domain. Nucleic Acids Research 40(9), 3898-3912 (featured article) (times cited: 5)Xingzhi Xu* & Wei Xiao. 2012. DNA damage research in China (editorial). DNA Repair 11(2), 101Cao SL*, Xu H, Wang Y, Liao J, Zhang JJ, Li ZF, Guo YW, Li XR, Cui XM, Xingzhi Xu*.
2012. Synthesis and Cytotoxic Evaluation of Quinazolin-4(3H)-one
Derivatives Bearing Thiocarbamate, Thiourea or N-Methyldithiocarbamate
Side Chains. Med Chem. 8(2), 163-73 (times cited: 1)Bo Liu, Xingzhi Xu*. 2011. Serine/threonine protein phosphatases in DNA damage response. Chinese Sci Bull 56, 3122–3131 (review) (times cited: 1)Jing Li, Jue Wang, Wenya Hou, Zhiyi Jing, Chuan Tian, Yi Han, Ji Liao, Meng-Qiu Dong and Xingzhi Xu*. 2011. Phosphorylation of Ataxin-10 by polo-like kinase 1 is required for cytokinesis. Cell Cycle 10(17), 2946-2958 (cover image) (times cited: 2)Liu Y, Liao J, Xu Y, Chen W, Liu D, Ouyang T, Li J, Wang T, Fan Z, Fan T, Lin B, Xingzhi Xu, Xie Y. 2011. A recurrent CHEK2 p.H371Y mutation is associated with breastcancer risk in Chinese women. Hum Mutat 32, 1000-1003 (times cited: 1)Jianing
Zhong, Ji Liao, Xing Liu, Pei Wang, Jinping Liu, Wenya Hou, Bingtao
Zhu, Lu Yao, Jinsheng Wang, Jing Li, Jeremy M. Stark, Yuntao Xie, Xingzhi Xu*. 2011. Protein phosphatase PP6 is required for homology-directed repair of DNA double-strand breaks. Cell Cycle 10(9), 1411-1419. (times cited: 3)Xingzhi Xu*,
Martin Eilers, Wei Xiao, Li-Lin Du, Alexander Bürkle, Lisa Wiesmüller,
Zhao-Qi Wang. 2011. The first Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair and
Human Diseases. DNA Repair 10(3), 349-54Sheng-Li Cao*, Yao Wang, Lin Zhu, Ji Liao,Yan-Wen Guo, Lin-Lin Chen, Hong-Qin Liu, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2010. Synthesis andin vitro cytotoxic activity of (2-methyl-4(3H)-quinazolinon- 6-yl)methylcarbamodithioic acid esters. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45(9), 3850-3857 (times cited: 6)Xu Li, H. Helen Lin, Hanqing Chen, Xingzhi Xu,
Hsiu-Ming Shih and David K. Ann. 2010. SUMOylation of KAP1, a
transcriptional co-repressor, is regulated by Ser/Thr phosphatase PP1. Science Signaling 3(119), ra32 (times cited: 14)Jing Li*, Jue Wang, Hong Jiao, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu*. 2010. Cytokinesis and Cancer: Polo Loves ROCK’n’ Rho(A). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 37(3), 159-172 (review) (times cited: 13)Pauline Douglas, Greg Moorhead, Xingzhi Xu and Susan Lees-Miller. 2010. Choreographing the DNA Damage Response: PP6 joins the dance. Cell Cycle 9(7), 1221-1222 (times cited: 3)Shuang Lv, Wenjuan Bu, Hong Jiao, Bo Liu, Lin Zhu, Hongchang Zhao, Jing Li, Ji Liao, Xingzhi Xu*. 2010. LSD1 is required for chromosome segregation during mitosis. Eur. J. Cell Biol. 89(7), 557-563 (times cited: 6)P. Douglas, J. Zhong, R. Ye, G.B. Moorhead, Xingzhi Xu*,
S.P. Lees-Miller*. 2010. Protein phosphatase 6 interacts with the
DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs) and
dephosphorylates g-H2AX. Mol Cell Biol  30(6), 1368-1381. (times cited: 39)H. Wang, A. Zhao, L. Chen, X. Zhong, J. Liao, M. Gao, M. Cai, D.H. Lee, J. Li, D. Chowdhury, Y.G. Yang, G.P. Pfeifer, Y. Yen, Xingzhi Xu*. 2009. Human RIF1 encodes an anti-apoptotic factor required for DNA repair. Carcinogenesis 30(8), 1314-1319. (times cited: 13)Xiaoying Zhang, Dongyun Liu, Shuang Lv, Haibo Wang, Xueyan Zhong, Bo Liu, Bo Wang, Ji Liao, Jing Li, Gerd P. Pfeifer and Xingzhi Xu*. 2009. CDK5RAP2 is required for spindle checkpoint function. Cell Cycle 8(8), 1206-1216. (times cited: 12)B.
Wang, A. Zhao, L. Sun, X. Zhong, J. Zhong, H. Wang, M. Cai, J. Li, Y.
Xu, J. Liao, J. Sang, D. Chowdhury, G.P. Pfeifer, Y. Yen, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2008. Protein phosphatase PP4 is overexpressed in human breast and lung tumors. Cell Research 18, 974-977. (times cited: 9)D. Chowdhury*, Xingzhi Xu*,
X. Zhong, F. Ahmed, J. Zhong, J. Liao, D. Dykxhoorn, D. Weinstock, G.P.
Pfeifer, and J. Lieberman*. 2008. A PP4-phosphatase complex
dephosphorylates gamma-H2AX generated during DNA replication. Molecular Cell 31, 33-46. (times cited: 80)L. Wang, G. Zhu, D. Yang, Q. Li, Y. Li, Xingzhi Xu, D. He, C. Zeng. 2008. The spindle function of CDCA4. Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton 65, 581-593. X. Zhong, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2006. Microcephalin Encodes a Centrosomal Protein. Cell Cycle 5, 457-458.(Cover image) (times cited: 37)X. Zhong, M. Liu, A. Zhao, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2005. The Abnormal Spindle-like, Microcephaly-associated (ASPM) Gene Encodes a Centrosomal Protein. Cell Cycle 4, 1227-1229. (times cited: 36)T. Rauch, X. Zhong, G.P. Pfeifer, and Xingzhi Xu*. 2005. 53BP1 is a positive regulator of the BRCA1 promoter. Cell Cycle 4, 1078-1083. (times cited: 20)L.M. Tsvetkov, R.T. Tsekova, Xingzhi Xu, and D.F. Stern. 2005. The Plk1 Polo Box Domain Mediates a Cell Cycle and DNA Damage Regulated Interaction with Chk2. Cell Cycle 4, 609-617. (times cited: 18)Xingzhi Xu* , J.H. Lee, and D.F. Stern. 2004. Microcephalin is a DNA damage response protein involved in regulation of CHK1 and BRCA1. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279, 34091-34094 (Accelerated Publication; Papers of the Week). (times cited: 99)Xingzhi Xu
and D.F. Stern. 2003. NFBD1/MDC1 regulates ionizing radiation-induced
focus formation of DNA checkpoint signaling and repair factors. FASEB Journal 17, 1842-1848. (times cited: 64)Xingzhi Xuand D. F. Stern. 2003. NFBD1/KIAA0170 is a chromatin-associated protein involved in DNA damage signaling pathways.Journal of Biological Chemistry 278, 8795-8803. (times cited: 71)L.M. Tsvetkov, Xingzhi Xu, J. Li, and D.F. Stern. 2003. Polo like kinase 1 and Chk2 interact and Co-localize to centrosomes and the midbody. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278, 8468-8475. (times cited: 95)Xingzhi Xu, L.M. Tsvetkov, and D.F. Stern. 2002. Chk2 activation and phosphorylation-dependent oligomerization. Molecular and Cellular Biology 22, 4419-4432. (times cited: 121)Xingzhi Xu,
K.F. Kelleher, J Liao, K. E. Creek, and L. Pirisi. 2000. Unique
carboxyl-terminal sequences of wild-type and alternatively spliced
variant forms of transforming growth factor-a precursors mediate specific interactions with ErbB4 and ErbB2. Oncogene 19, 3172-3181. (times cited: 5)J. Liao, Xingzhi Xu, and M.J. Wargovich. (2000) Direct re-probing with anti-b-actin antibody as an internal control for Western Blotting analysis. BioTechniques 28, 216-218. (times cited: 47)Xingzhi Xu,
J Liao, K. E. Creek, and L. Pirisi. (1999) Human keratinocytes and
tumor-derived cell lines express alternatively spliced forms of
transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-alpha) mRNA encoding precursors
lacking carboxy-terminal valine residues. Oncogene 18, 5554-5562. (times cited: 9)D. Liang, Xingzhi Xu,
A. J. Chin, N. V. Balasubramaniyan, M. A. L. Teo, T. J. Lam, E. S.
Weinberg and R. Ge. (1998) Cloning and characterization of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) from zebrafish, Danio rerio. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1397, 14-20. (times cited: 52)Xingzhi Xu,
L. Liu, K.C.Y. Wong, and R. Ge. (1998) Cloning and characterization of
two isoforms of the zebrafish thyrotroph embryonic factor (tef-alpha and
tef-beta). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1395, 13-20. (times cited: 8)M. Wan, M. Takagi, B.N. Loh, Xingzhi Xu, and T. Imanaka. (1996) Autoprecessing - an essential step for the activation of HIV-1 protease. Biochemical Journal 316, 569-573. (times cited: 10)*Xingzhi Xu, J. Liao, H. Fang, M. Li, and Z. Liu. (1993) ABO blood grouping on dental tissue. Journal of Forensic Sciences 38, 956-960 (times cited: 1)*Xingzhi Xu and Z. Liu. (1993) Discussion of H substance in urine. Journal of Forensic Sciences 38, 8-9.

(九)  特邀讲座
南加州大学药学院 (University of Southern California School of Pharmacy),分子药理毒理及药剂科学系,2006-01-20,星期五,报告题目:Functional characterization of the primary microcephaly genes北京细胞生物学年会大会讲座,2007-05-12,报告题目:Cell cycle checkpoint, genome instability, and cancer2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences: DNA Repair and Cancer Biology,April 16 – 20, 2008,Linquan Villa, Hangzhou, China。大会讲座,报告题目:A PP4-phosphatase complex dephosphorylates gamma-H2AX generated during DNA replication中国原子能科学研究院,04-29-2008,星期二,报告题目:Cell cycle checkpoint, genome instability, and cancer北京生命科学研究院, 06-10-2008,星期二,报告题目:Functional characterization of protein phosphatase PP4中国科学院北京生物物理所, 06-12-2008,星期四,报告题目:Protein phosphatases and cell cycle checkpoint controlSouthern Alberta Cancer Research Institute, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Friday, April 24, 2009. Primary microcephaly genes in cell cycle checkpoint controls.2009年国际基因组学大会·北京,10-21-2009,星期三,报告题目:Dephosphorylation of g-H2AX by protein phosphatasesCity of Hope National Medical Center/Beckman Research Institute, Duarte, CA, USA, 12-09-2009, 星期三,报告题目:Dephosphorylation of g-H2AX by protein phosphatases3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences,May 2010,Beijing, China; Secretary General and session co-chairs2010年第101次生命科学前沿研讨会-肿瘤蛋白质转化医学研讨会,北京,2010年9月15日-16日,报告题目:DNA Damage Response and CancerFirst Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair and Human Disease, Beijiing, China, 2010年10月8-12日,报告题目:Ser/Thr Protein Phosphatases in DNA Repair2010 International Conference on Translational Medicine in Cancer, Hangzhou, China, 2010年10月21-22日,报告题目:Protein Phosphatases and TumorigenesisInternational
Meeting on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Responses, Jena, Germany, Nov. 25-26, 2010, title of the presentation: Protein phosphatases in DNA damage responseCancer Institute of New Jersey, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Dec. 10th, 2010, Friday, title of the
presentation: DNA damage response and cancer山西大学生命科学学院第三届研究生学术年会,太原,山西,2010年12月19日,星期天,报告题目:DNA damage response and cancerInstitute of Toxicology, University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, Feb. 25th, Friday, title of the presentation: DNA damage responseSociety of Chinese Bioscientists in America-The 13th SCBA International Symposium, Apr. 28th, 2011, Thrusday, title of the presentation: Protein phosphatases in DNA damage response & tumorigenesis2nd Sino-German Symposium on DNA Repair and Human Disease, Mainz, Germany, 2011年10月16-20日,报告题目:Protein Phosphatases in DNA Damage ResponseDr. Zhao-Qi Wang’s laboratory retreat, Austria, Jan. 17th, 2012, title of the presentation: DNA damage response & tumorigenesis4th icBEST, Guangzhou, April 18th, 2012, title of the presentation: PP4 and MDC1 in DNA Damage Response杭州师范大学衰老研究所,2012年6月9日,报告题目:DNA Damage Response, Tumorigenesis & Cancer Therapy东北师范大学生命科学学院,2012年8月9日,报告题目:DNA Damage Response and  Tumorigenesis第九届中华放射肿瘤学年会,2012年9月15日,放射生物学分会场主题报告:DNA Damage Responses & Cancer Therapy3rd international symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Beijing, Oct. 13-14th, 2012, title of the presentation: Post-translational modifications DNA damage response香山科学会议第440次学术讨论会(“DNA损伤响应和修复机制”),2012年10月24-25日,杭州,报告题目:Post-translational modifications in DNA damage response2012 IWRS: International Workshop Series on Radiation Science-Radiation Induced Biological Effects & Repair, Nov. 13-14th, 2012, National Taiwan University, Taibei, title of the presentation: Post-translational modifications DNA damage response北京细胞生物学年会,2012年12月1日,北京,报告题目:Post-translational modifications DNA damage response3rd Jena-Beijing meeting on Molecular Signatures of Adaptive Stress Responses, Jena, Germany, Feb. 28th to Mar. 1st, title of the presentation: BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in DNA damage response13th SCBA, Xi’an, July 18-22, 2013, (session co-chairs) DNA repair & genome instability research in ChinaUniversity of Michigan School of Medicine, Aug. 23rd, 2013, title of the presentation: BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in DNA damage response4th international symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease (isDDRHD), Beijing, Oct. 19-20th, 2013, title of the presentation: BCL10 regulates RNF8/RNF168-mediated ubiquitination in DNA damage response哈尔滨兽医研究所,2013年11月20日,报告题目:Reversible ubiquitination-driven DNA damage response第十届中华放射肿瘤学年会,2013年11月21-24日,成都,放射生物学分会场主题报告:DNA Damage Responses & Cancer Therapy温州医科大学检验医学与生命科学学院,2013年12月2日,报告题目:Reversible ubiquitination-driven DNA damage respons 北京生物化学与分子生物学年会,2013年12月7日,北京军事医学科学院,大会报告:Reversible ubiquitination-driven DNA damage responseMayo Clinic Department of Radiation Oncology, Rochester, MN, Dec. 12th, 2013, title of the presentation: Reversible ubiquitination-driven DNA damage responseState University of New York at Albany Department of Biology, Albany, NY, Dec. 13th, 2013, title of the presentation: Reversible ubiquitination-driven DNA damage responseUniversity of California at Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center, Davis, CA, Feb. 13th, 2014, title of the presentation: Ubiquitination-driven DNA damage response

(十) 教学成果
2、2011年度中国细胞生物学会“细胞生物学 教学优秀 人才奖”,许兴智。


